Company Management
Creating A New Company
To create a new company, select the “Company” menu and select the “New Company” option.
A “New Company” window will open.
Fill in the following details:
- Company Name - The name of the company that will be displayed in the server list. This name is only to identify the company in the server list.
- Create a new Shared Database - If this is an isolated / single company, enable this. If your are creating a company that shares data from a another company. you can disable this and choose the database that you would like to share data with.
- Data that can be shared between companies are:
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Inventory Items
- Shared Database Description - Fill in a description of the shared database so that it is easy to know which shared database you are creating / using.
If you are using an existing shared database, selecting the database will present you with the description that was given to it on creation. This is why it is important to give shared databases a good description.
When you are completed filling in all the data, Click on the “Create” button.
The server will start creating the company and will open a window letting you know if it was “Successful” or if it “Failed”.
Click on the “OK” button. You will now see the new company loaded and running, ready for connections.
Stopping and Starting the company instance
To “Stop or turn off” a company from receiving connections. Click on the stop “Square” icon on the desired company:
To “Start or Turn On” a company instance. Click on the “Triangle” icon on the desired company. The company can now receive connections:
Deleting A Company
To delete a company, it needs to be stopped first. Once stopped, Click on the “Dustbin / Trash” icon to delete the company:
PS. this does not delete the company from the Postgres Database, it will only remove the instance from the server. No data will be lost.
Confirm the deletion to remove the company from the server.
Adding an existing Company
If you have deleted a company or want to import an existing company. Click on the “Company” menu and select the “Add Existing Company” option.
A new window will open where you can chooses the desired company:
Click “Add” and a message will open to let you know if it was “Successful” or if it “Failed”.
The company is added in an “Off / Not running” mode. Simply click on the “play” button to start it: